
Read these tips, Spelunker
Get me outta here!
    The following provides you with tips and information on how to best navigate the Caverns Of Blood game pages. Please comply with the parameters as best you can, it will greatly enhance your enjoyment of the game.

  • You will be visiting 10 or more caves depending on the choices that you make. Your goal is to reach the Cave Of Jewels. You cannot advance to the next cave without actually playing the game. Each new cave is more difficult to traverse than the one before it and little annoyances have been installed to thwart prospective cheaters.

  • Each page contains a different background scene, music, images and animated gif's. Simply press the "Stop" button on your browser if you want the animations to stop playing. Once you're in the caves however, you will not be able to stop the music from playing. Turn your volume control down if you get scared!

  • Both Internet Explorer 4+ and Netscape Communicator 4+ browsers will play background music automatically if you had installed their full version offerings, so there is no need for third party software. Newer AOL and WebTV browsers will work just fine as well.

  • When you make it to a new cave, let the page load entirely before you start scrolling though it! Some pages will take longer to load due to your connection speed and the number of images to be displayed. If you try to hurry, you'll really miss out on a lot of gore and fun!

  • There is a story to read here too. A very concise, eloquent story - just a little text on each page. If you don't read the text before clicking around for links out, you won't progress very quickly (if at all).

  • There are clues and links in every cave. You have to discover the correct link to advance to subsequent caves. Don't get discouraged, you'll get to the next level eventually (it's fun trying). If you get stuck, READ THE TEXT on the page you're in for clues!

  • And finally, if you're able and for best viewing, please set your browser's font size to medium or 12 respectively. This site has been designed to be viewed using any screen resolution.

    Read This Warningvirtual haunted house animated gif bloody Halloween
    Enter Caves Here  
    horror halloween scary haunted house animated gif images blood vampire gore bloody Halloweenhorrorscary
    Read This Warninghorror Halloween

    That's it! Thanks for playing

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